Slats is back in the Netherlands!

Mark Slats is back in the Netherlands! A month after his finish in Les Sables-d’Olonne, he sailed back into the port of Scheveningen. Last Saturday, a huge crowd was cheering for him on the piers, waiting to see Slats after being away for eight months. It was nice to see him back safely, with his Aries still in one piece.

A few weeks before the finish the mounting tubes that kept the Aries in place were in a bad state. Slats used a different set of tubes than the ones we provide with the vane gear. The Aries itself was working fine, even though it almost came off the boat. Slats tore apart some of the interior of his Rustler 36 to secure his windvane. The Aries, now secured with a wooden bracket (a first in Aries history!) has brought him to France without issues.

Meanwhile things are great in the workshop in Amsterdam. The Golden Globe Race has sparked massive interest in the Aries. Orders are coming in and we’re working hard to catch up. They are being sent to all over the world. Recently we’ve shipped to Engeland, Australia, America, Mauritius, The Canaries, Germany and, of course, a steady few here in the Netherlands.

A fair amount of sailors is already preparing for the next Golden Globe Race in 2022. Some of them have shown serious interest in using the Aries as their best crewmember. That makes us proud and we’d be happy to help them sail around the world, save and fast.

For now, thumbs up and kind regards from Amsterdam!
Lean Nelis

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